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Welcome to the Employee Portal!
This site is a resource for Diocese of Dallas Catholic school personnel.  Its purpose is to provide a hosted communications forum for school business, information, and important Catholic school resources.
If you experience any issues with this platform you may contact us at [email protected].

Accounting Forms

    Mark Lawrence
    Director of Financial Services for
    Catholic Schools Shared Accounting Services
    [email protected]

Administrator Forms

Fall Semester

FALL —  Required Forms Checklist


Due August 1st — Title IX-ESEA 1972 Elimination of Sex Discrimination Policy NOT NEEDED

Due August 1st — Civil Rights Act NOT NEEDED

Due August 15th — School Handbooks

Due August 30th — Crisis Management Plan


Due September 1st — Personnel

Due September 1st — Religion Textbook

Due September 15th — Enrollment Forms

Due September 15th — Income Survey Forms 

The data to complete the Entitlement Data-Income Survey Collection Spreadsheet is collected by using the Income Survey Templates found in the OTHER FORMS Section under Student Enrollment Packet Forms

Due  September 15th — Safe Environment

  • CSO Fall- 135 Annual Safe Environment Training/Re-Training   *Not needed as of June 2024

Due September 15th — School Advisory Council Members/Board of Directors

Due September 15th — Enrollment Forms   

Due September 20th — TCCB ED Annual Accreditation Report   – *Submission details below

Spring Semester

CSO Required Forms Checklist


Due January 15th — Enrollment Data 

 Due January 15th — Tuition Rates


Due February 1st — Official School Calendar


Due March 1st  — Summer Enrichment School/Programs

Complete by March 1st   — Personnel/Notice of Intent to Return


Due May1st — Texas State Fair 

Due May 1st  — Supply Order 

Due May 1st — Summer Office Hours & Contact Data

Due May 15th — Enrollment Data


Due June 1st — Personnel Data/Non-Returning Employee List

Due June 1st — First Meetings of the Year Registrations — *REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN, PLEASE CHECK THE FORM LINKS BELOW*

Due June 15th — Personnel Data/New Employees 

Due June 15th — Accounting

Complete by June 15th — Campus Professional Development Record


Other Forms

*The Accident Report and Accident Report Follow-up can now be found in the Health Forms section

CSO Other-300 Other Forms Checklist

Child Protective Services

Personnel/Continuing EducationDue 5 days after workshop

Student Enrollment Packet Forms

Student Withdrawal Forms

Summer Programs *NEW

Can’t find a form?

It might be found on the TCCB ED NEON portal.  Click here for a listing of documents you will find there.


The 2020-2021 Calendars are now online – please visit our Calendar page to visit all of the event and reminders calendars.

Contract and Agreement Templates

Risk Management Portal

Note: A user name and password is required to view the Risk Management Portal. For login credentials, please contact the Business Manager at your parish, school or entity.

Cynthia Herndon
Director of Claims Contracts and Purchasing
[email protected]

Manuel Sanchez
Director of Security and Emergency Management
[email protected]

Human Resources


Health forms

More CSO Medical Resources can be found at

Accident Reports

Employee accidents and Volunteer accidents need to be submitted through the Incident Tracker platform or call Manuel Sanchez 214-379-2811.


Medical Equipment Request Forms


Vision, Hearing, Spinal Screening

Presentations from Partners in Mission

Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance School Resources

Tuition Assistance School Resources have a new home! Visit The HALO Initiative website or contact Monica Quinones by phone at 682-339-4258 or via email at [email protected].

Safety and Security

Click here for a link to the Standard Response Procedure training videos.